
TITEL: Förbereder du dig för vintern?

Förbereder du dig för vintern?

Hjälp dina syskon att göra det samma.
Islamiskt välgörenhets center startar nu en ny insamling till de behövande i Syrien. Vintern är på ingång och i Syrien blir det väldigt kallt, speciellt för de som bor i flyktingläger som är särskilt hårt drabbade. Så våra syskon är i stort behov av hjälp för att klara sig denna vinter.

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Profeten Muhammad sade: "De troende i sin kärlek, barmhärtighet och medkänsla mot varandra, är som en enda kropp: Om en del av den blir sjuk drabbas resten av kroppen av feber och sömnlöshet." (Berättad av Al-Bukhari och Muslim)

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Allâh sade:

”[Troende!] När ni [nu] uppmanas att ge av vad ni äger för Allâhs sak, ger några av er prov på snålhet; men med sin snålhet skadar den snåle bara sig själv; [glöm inte att] Allâh är den Rike [som inte behöver era gåvor], men ni är de fattiga [som behöver Honom i allt]. Om ni vänder er [ifrån Honom], skall Han låta andra människor inta er plats, och de kommer inte att likna er.” [Muhammed 47:38]


”Troende! Ge av de goda ting som ni förvärvar och av det som Vi låter jorden frambringa åt er, och leta inte fram - för att ge bort det - det sämsta som ni själva inte skulle ta emot annat än med förbundna ögon. Ni bör veta att Allâh är Sig själv nog och att allt lov och pris tillkommer Honom.” [al-Baqarah 2:267]


”Om ni ger Allâh ett lån av goda gärningar, skall Han betala tillbaka det med mångdubbla värdet och förlåta era synder; Allâh erkänner [Sina tjänares] förtjänster och Han har överseende [med deras brister].” [at-Taghâbun 64:17]


”[TROENDE!] Ni kommer inte att uppnå sann fromhet, förrän ni ger åt andra av det som ni [själva] värdesätter; Allâh har full kännedom om vad ni ger.” [Âla ’Imrân 3:92]

Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:

Once Allah's Messenger (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) o `Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Messenger (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) ?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah's Messenger (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam)! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion." (Sahih al-Bukhari 304)

Videokälla 1
Videokälla 2


TITEL: Prisa Allah i alla situationer

Det finns nog inget fegare, och jag blir alltid lika förvånad när det händer, när en vuxen man beter sig som ett litet barn när han passerar en ensam kvinna i niqab med 2 små barn och uttrycker sitt negativa ogillande av min niqab bakom ryggen eller när han passerar. Allah testar mig varje gång jag går ut själv, eftersom detta oftast händer väldigt sällan när jag har sällskap av andra (förutom barnen). Man blir både arg och ledsen på samma gång och man får känslan av att man vill säga ifrån. Men min blyghet hindrar mig och jag behåller mitt lugn och prisar Allah och tackar honom för att jag inte är på samma vilsna väg som dessa människor. Om de inte är tacksamma mot Allah, varför skulle dem då vara tacksamma mot någon annan?
Abu Hurairah (Må Allah vara nöjd med honom) rapporterade: Profeten (sallaAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) sa: "Den som tror på Allah och den Sista Dagen måste antingen tala gott eller förbli tyst." (Muslim 18/1511)
Så istället för att riskera att tala ut med känslor som därefter följer med onödigt tal så är det bättre att behålla lugnet, prisa den Högste, vara tyst och lämna resten till Allah. Han vägleder den Han vill utav Sin Barmhärtighet och vilseleder den Han vill utav Sin Vishet.


TITEL: You have a choice!



TITEL: En annan niqab bärare

Idag var första dagen någonsin som jag träffat en annan syster på stan, iklädd niqab. Allahu akbar! Jag som hela tiden gått och trott att jag varit ensam med min ansiktslöja i denna, inte allt för stora stad. Alhamdulillaah, för att fler systrar våga bära den och alhamdulillaah, för att Allahs religion sprider sig i dar-ul-kufr.
Självklart var jag tvungen att gå fram och prata med systern och det vissade sig att hon börjat bära den för 2 månader sedan, ma sha Allah. Må Allah hålla henne stark på den raka vägen, amin. Wow, det var en häftig känsla att träffa en annan niqab bärare på stan i dar-ul-kufr. Alhamdulillaah, denna dag har endast haft glada nyheter med sig.


TITEL: O min Herre, förlåt mig min synd

Profeten (sallâ Allâhu ’alayhi wa sallam) sade:
"Om någon begår en synd och därefter säger:" O min Herre, förlåt mig min synd" då säger Allâh: "Min slav gjorde en synd och vet att Han har en Herre som förlåter synder och straffar för det.” Därefter återgår han till en synd igen och säger, "O min Herre, förlåt mig min synd.” Och då säger Allâh: "Min slav gjorde en synd och vet att Han har en Herre som förlåter synder och straffar för det.” Därefter återgår han till en synd igen och säger, "O min Herre, förlåt mig min synd.” Och då säger Allâh: "Min slav gjorde en synd och vet att Han har en Herre som förlåter synder och straffar för det.” Gör vad du vill för Jag har förlåtit dig. (D.v.s. så länge du ångrar dig och återvänder till Allâh).
[al-Bukhârî och Muslim]


TITEL: Den 10:e Muharram | 2013-11-14


Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al-ash-Shaikh (saudiarabiens muftis svar på frågor när al-Ashura inträffar):

"Min broder, Det har kommit ett klargörande från högsta domstolen att muharram-månaden började på tisdagen och att nymånen inte syntes kvällen till söndagen. Därför kompletterar måndagen månaden dhul-hijjah medan tisdagen är den första muharram. Baserat på detta är onsdag (2013-11-13) den 9:e och torsdag (2013-11-14) den tionde." (Sahab.net)


TITEL: Zaynab bint Jahsh: Mother of the Poor

Bok: Great women of Islam - Imâm al-Madîna al-Munawarrah 'Abdul Muhsin Ibn Muhammad al-Qâsim
Referens: http://abdurrahman.org/women/greatWomenIslam.html
There is a woman among the Prophet’s wives known as Mother of the Poor. She is Zaynab bint Jahsh whose mother is the Prophet’s aunt. She enjoyed nobility of birth and character. She was described by Aboo Nu’aym as, ‘devoted and contented woman’. Allaah married her to His Prophet through an explicit verse from His Book,
“So when Zaid had accomplished his desire from her (i.e. divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage.” (Al-Ahzaab 33:37)

Her marriage to the Prophet is a blessing to the Muslim women till the day of Resurrection, for it was after her marriage that Allaah ordained hijaab for the women so that it could serve as a symbol of protection for their honour, chastity and purity.


Zaynab was extremely generous to the poor and the weak. She was highly charitable. In spite of her nobility and high status, she used to work with her hands, tanning and making beads. And she would spend the proceeds for the poor. ‘Aaishah said, “I have not seen a woman better in her adherence to religion, more pious, kinder to the kith and kin and more generous in giving charity than Zaynab.”


TITEL: Umm Sulaim: En förebild för varje muslimsk kvinna

I följande ljudfil berättas det om hur Umm Sulaym (Anas bin Maliks mamma) välkommnade sin man den dagen då deras son hade dött. Subhan Allah, vilken kvinna. Må Allah upphöja henne i nivåer i paradiset, amiin. Bli inspirerad och ta vara på hennes visdom och sträva i att vara som kvinnorna på Profetens (sallaAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) tid.
Talare: Rahseed Barbee
Klick här för att lyssna på ljudfilen


TITEL: "Den som återupplivar min Sunnah"

Narrated Anas bin Malik:
"The Messenger of Allah () said to me: 'O my son! If you are capable of (waking up in) the morning and (ending) the evening, while there is nothing of deception in your heart for anything, then do so.' Then he said to me: 'O my son! That is from my Sunnah. Whoever revives my Sunnah then he has loved me. And whoever loved me, he shall be with me in Paradise.'"
Grade Da'if (Darussalam)  
Reference  : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2678
In-book reference  : Book 41, Hadith 34
English translation  : Vol. 1, Book 39, Hadith 2678


TITEL: The Dangers of Smart Phones and Social Networking

Titel: The Dangers of Smart Phones and Social Networking
Talare: Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan حفظه الله
Översättare: Abu ‘Abdullah Naasir Hussain حفظه الله
Ljudkälla | Textkälla

All praises are due to Allah for His favours and kindness and I thank him for his assistance and for his blessings. I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone, having no partners, and I testify that Muhammad is his slave and messenger – May Allah mention him, his family and his companions with praise and send an abundance of peace upon them.


To proceed:  O mankind… Know that from the greatest of hindrances preventing you from being upright are trials and tribulations that block you from the path of Allah and cause you to fall into misguidance. How great in number they are in this time, and how numerous are the callers calling to them through their writings, through their tweets on Twitter and those things like it – through the various means of communication that are widespread amongst the people and have filled their homes. How numerous are those that go astray because of these evil channels. So be weary of them, O slaves of Allah.


Be cautious of them and don’t look into them.  Don’t bring them into your homes.  Don’t leave them with your children and your wives because they are what hinder from the religion and from the path of Allah, and divert them from being upright and cause them to fall into deviation and misguidance. How numerous are the ones who were misguided and deviated. They deviated and their features changed. Their ways changed and this is evident through their conduct, their sayings and their actions. They are stuck to these means day and night. Their eyes are fixed to these things in these wicked devices. What came?  What happened? All the time… until they have become afflicted by using them all the time… they have become afflicted with addiction…


It is mentioned by the experts that those that have fallen into this, becoming afflicted with addiction, they cannot bear to be without it, and this is something apparent. You see them staring at these devices all the time… in his pocket… in his car… all the time… to the extent that he doesn’t talk to the one next to him, or his family or to his children in his house. He’s always with these sites.  Even to the extent that he doesn’t pray – he doesn’t get up to pray!  He’s afraid he’s going to miss something. He doesn’t sleep because he’s afraid to miss something or to present something. This is because he has been afflicted with addiction so he cannot bear to be without it. If only he had avoided it from the beginning, he would have been safe from it.


So, have fear of Allah, O slaves of Allah. Protect your religion from these distractions, trials and evils. Know that the best of speech is the book of Allah and the finest of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), and the worst of affairs are the newly invented ones and every innovation is misguidance. Stay with the body of Muslims upon the truth because Allah’s hand is upon the Jamaa’ah, and whoever deviated then he deviated in the hellfire.




TITEL: Den bästa årstiden är här, så ta vara på den!



TITEL: Göm dig inte bakom falska namn

Orginal titel:
Hiding Behind (False) Names, Titles, Or Kunyahs That Hide The Identity Of A Person
"Al-Muhaddith, the carrier of the banner of Jarh wa Ta’deel in our time, Ash-Shaykh Rabee, advised the Salafis in everyplace about a number of affairs that are extremely important to the Da’wah Salafiyyah, and those who ascribe to this most blessed manhaj. From the affairs that the Sheikh spoke about is the affair of evil of people posting on the internet, hiding under unknown screen names. He stated:
…by Allah no one hides his [real] name except a person of evil. Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! Why are you hiding your [real] name?! If you have the truth with you then announce your name, if you have falsehood with you then fear Allah! Don’t speak! There is no reason to hide your [real] name, no reason whatsoever, this is something unknown with the Salaf…”
After looking into the benefits of posting with one’s real name, the following things come to mind at first glance:


1. One will take his time, contemplate, and think deeply before posting.


2. We will know the level of the writer’s knowledge and manhaj.


3. There will be no hastiness or unnecessary rush in spreading things before confirming them and referring them to the people of knowledge.


4. Writing under one’s real name will bring about a sense of responsibility and accountability for what is being written.


5. It will reduce excessive writing and spreading (of things devoid of benefit)


6. It will restrict the writing and the offering of advice to the people of knowledge and their students, and not just every Tom, Dick, and Harry will post.


7. It will put forth the people of knowledge and make clear their true position and their true right and authority with regards to guidance, education, and criticism.


8. It will allow the Salafee manhaj to be seen in its beautiful form and complete shape, by way of knowing the narrators and their situations and personalities.


9. We will be able to apply the Sharee’ah ruling on the opposing ones, those who stubbornly resist (the correct path), and the liars.  We will be able to confirm and verify reports if we know the individuals, but this ability will vanish or dwindle so long as we do not know them, or they are anonymous.


10. There will be an increase in beneficial posts with knowledge, clarifying the manhaj, and weak posts or those devoid of benefit will decrease.


11. We will nobly remove ourselves from the ways of the biased partisans and people of secret movements and organizations, and we will oppose their stealth and hiding behind nicknames or kunyahs when their attributes and poisons become known.


12. We will spread clarity and mutual truthfulness, two attributes that are from the foremost attributes of the Salafee manhaj.

Written by: ‘Ubayd ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn Sulaymaan Al-Jaabiree
Former professor at the Islaamic University of Al-Madeenah 1423/7/21
Source: SalafiTalk.net (translation by Moosaa Richardson) and Sahab.net
Al-Muhaddith Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaanee dicussed this issue of the of those who hide behind pseudonyms, and unknown kunyahs in at least two of his writings.

In the introduction to his book An-Naseehah (pg. 5) he refutes one called Hassaan Abdul-Mannaan, he states:

And it has become certain to me that he began to circulate his books, in the end, after his reality was uncovered, and his affair exposed, under the pen name Abu Suhaib Al-Karamee!! Going to extremes in trickery, and Talbees (deceit)! and drowning in misguidance and Tadlees (deception)!! Rather after that he circulated books with his introductions and checkings without any name or Kunyah!!

So in this quote of Al-Muhaddith Al-Albaanee he describes this act as trickery, deceit, misguidance, and deception. May Allah grant us safety from such attributes.

He also states in the introduction to Adaabuz-Zafaaf (pg. 8):

And in this introduction I do not want to turn once again to the refutation of his treatise, and the clarification of all that is in it from his errors, mistakes, and false allegations, and in the end his his seeking assistance from one of the enemies of the people of the sunnah and hadeeth, and the callers to Tawheed who are well known by this, he is none other than Habeebur-Rahman Al-Athamee, the one who hid behind the pseudonym (Arshad As-Salafee) because of his cowardice, and his lack of scholarly and literary courage, he hid behind it in his book: Al-Albaanee, his anamolies, and errors.

So the Muhaddith of this era described it as an act of cowardice, and if the people of cyber tadlees truly believed that that which they were upon was the truth,then they would never hide behind these screen names and as the scholars of hadeeth mentioned about this: ‘Rather his avoiding identifying him is something that places suspicion in the heart.


TITEL: Keep calm

Lämna ödet till Allah!


TITEL: You can't blame it on Shaytan

And Shaitan (Satan) will say when the matter has been decided: "Verily, Allah promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, so you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me (Satan) as a partner with Allah (by obeying me in the life of the world). Verily, there is a painful torment for the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)." [14:22]


TITEL: The Reality of the Recitation of the Qur’an

Författare: Abdur-Razzaaq al-Badr
Översättare: Abu Anas Atif Hasan
Källa: http://al-badr.net/muqolat/2610

Recitation of Quran is not merely reciting its letters or memorizing its verses and chapters. Indeed the true reality of recitation is reciting, understanding and acting (upon it). So whoever does not work by the Quran, he is not from its people with merely memorizing it by its letters. Rather, one is not from its people until the Quran is seen in him in terms of worship, character, and avoidance of that which displeases Allaah.