And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record. [6:59]
Mitt nya träningsschema för en månad framåt. 20-30 minuter om dagen. Observera! Endast hemma träning, inget gym här inte.
An active body that gets adequate exercise is one that is likely to remain healthy. As your body is a trust, it is a religious obligation upon you to look after it, to keep it free of disease and ailments to the best of your ability (except as Allaah wills)... [ Läs mer ]
PUBLICERAT: 00:20:00
TITEL: Min favorit recitatör just nu
Recitör: إبراهيم العسيري [Ibrahim Al-Asiri]
Vem är din favorit recitör just nu? Dela i kommentarfältet nedan.
PUBLICERAT: 16:42:37
TITEL: Allah är med oss
If you help him (Muhammad) not [it does not matter], for Allah did indeed help him when the disbelievers drove him out, the second of two, when they (Muhammad and Abu Bakr) were in the cave, and he () said to his companion (Abu Bakr): "Be not sad [or afraid], surely Allah is with us." Then Allah sent down His Sakinah (calmness, tranquillity, peace, etc.) upon him, and strengthened him with forces (angels) which you saw not, and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowermost, while it was the Word of Allah that became the uppermost, and Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. al-Qur'an 9:40
PUBLICERAT: 13:43:00
TITEL: Recharge your Iman
Abu Dhar (radhi Allaahu anhu) said: Whoever does not know that his Imaan increases and decreases is not a person of understanding. Rather it is from understanding in the religion to notice if your Imaan is increasing or decreasing.
If you find yourself devoted to Allah, desiring that which is with Allah, and energetic in acts of worship, loving the righteous people and the gatherings of knowledge, this is an indication and a sign of your strong Imaan and your increase in Imaan.
And if you find yourself turning away and lazy, having no desire to recite the Book of Allah and remember Allah; and you find yourself always lagging behind in some acts worship and not desiring that which is with Allah, this is proof of your deficiency in Imaan. Therefore remedy and rectify yourself.
PUBLICERAT: 01:21:47
TITEL: Ordet: Om
112 – Allâhs sändebud (sallâ Allâhu ´alayhi wa sallam) sade:
”Den starke troende är bättre och mer älskad av Allâh (ta´âlâ) än den svage troende – och i båda finns det gott. Ivra efter det som gagnar dig. Sök hjälp av Allâh (´azza wa djall) och misslyckas inte. Om du drabbas av något skall du inte säga: ”Om jag hade gjort det ena och det andra hade det blivit så och så”. Säg i stället: ”Allâh har bestämt och gjort vad Han har velat.” [Ordet] om banar vägen för Satans handling.”
PUBLICERAT: 16:28:45
TITEL: Fri är Allah från brister
Arabiska: سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ
Svenska: Fri är Allah från brister och Prisad vare Han
Referens: Muslim 4/2071 nr. 2723
PUBLICERAT: 23:49:00
TITEL: The Poem that made Imam Ahmad cry
One of the students of Imam Ahmad asked him 'O Abu Abdullah, what is your view about these odes which mention Paradise and Hell?' He asked, 'Like what?' He said, 'They say:
When my Lord asks me: Are you not ashamed to disobey Me? You hide your sins from My creation, Yet with sins come you to Me!'
Ahmad said, 'Read it to me again,' so he did. Then Ahmad stood up and went into his house and closed the door behind him. The student said, 'I could hear him from inside the house weeping, as he recited:
When my Lord asks me: Are you not ashamed to disobey Me? You hide your sins from My creation, Yet with sins you come to Me.'
P.205 of the Munaqib of Imam Ahmad by Ibn al-Jawzi
Ju mer du sitter och funderar på hur DU TROR att det kommer bli eller hur DU TROR att dem kommer reagera kommer bara göra dig galen. I know, i've been there! Lämna ödet till Allah. Det var när jag slutade bry mig om alla andra och började tänka på mig själv som jag övervann min rädsla för andras åsikter.
Det spelar ingen roll vad andra människor tycker och tänker, det som spelar någon roll är Domedagen framför Allah. Jannah kommer inte gratis. Du har ingenting att vara rädd för, Allah har redan förut bestämt allt. Lita på Allah att det kommer gå bra även om det skulle innebära svårigheter på vägen.
// Umm 'Abdillaah as-Suediyyah
PUBLICERAT: 12:26:00
Acts of kindness in a muslim country (United Arab Emirates), hope to see more of it everywhere in the world.
“And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive, [Saying], “We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We wish not from you reward or gratitude.” - Surat Al-Insan, verses 8-9