
TITEL: Zaynab bint Jahsh: Mother of the Poor

Bok: Great women of Islam - Imâm al-Madîna al-Munawarrah 'Abdul Muhsin Ibn Muhammad al-Qâsim
Referens: http://abdurrahman.org/women/greatWomenIslam.html
There is a woman among the Prophet’s wives known as Mother of the Poor. She is Zaynab bint Jahsh whose mother is the Prophet’s aunt. She enjoyed nobility of birth and character. She was described by Aboo Nu’aym as, ‘devoted and contented woman’. Allaah married her to His Prophet through an explicit verse from His Book,
“So when Zaid had accomplished his desire from her (i.e. divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage.” (Al-Ahzaab 33:37)

Her marriage to the Prophet is a blessing to the Muslim women till the day of Resurrection, for it was after her marriage that Allaah ordained hijaab for the women so that it could serve as a symbol of protection for their honour, chastity and purity.


Zaynab was extremely generous to the poor and the weak. She was highly charitable. In spite of her nobility and high status, she used to work with her hands, tanning and making beads. And she would spend the proceeds for the poor. ‘Aaishah said, “I have not seen a woman better in her adherence to religion, more pious, kinder to the kith and kin and more generous in giving charity than Zaynab.”


umm josef_noor skriver: MashaAllah syster, håller själv på att läsa boken Great women of islam och den är jättebra! Rekommenderas till alla systrar InshaAllah.
Jazaki Allahu khair för dina nyttiga fina inlägg 🌷

Publicerat: 15:19:18

Umm 'Abdillaah skriver: Ma sha Allâh. Visst är den, en riktigt inspirations källa! Wa iyyaki wa alhamdulillaah!

Publicerat: 18:21:05
Webbadress: http://iheartsunnah.blogg.se

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